I’ve been very busy.
There is a fungal infection that destroys your toenails!
I’ve been reading about it because MY FREAKING TOENAIL IS GONE.
The big toenails have been looking weird.
That’s when I read about the infection.
So I’ve been cleaning them.
Peroxide, the works.
The left one has calmed down, but the right one hasn’t.
It’s gotten worse and worse.
It’s infected.
It looks atrocious.
Half the nail is gone.
So, I cleaned it up and I’m going to the doctor.
Oh, my appointment is in 40 minutes.
I’ll be back, I’ll let you know how it goes.
(3 hours later)
Things went smoothly.
They looked at it.
Poked around.
They thought they saw a pocket of puss that’ll need to be drained.
They also thought they would have to do a nail removal.
No one felt comfortable doing it and they were going to send me to a podiatrist.
But then they looked closer.
We figured it was just swollen because the toenail is reforming.
They noticed it was cracked.
I said it’s might be the old nail and new nail merging or something.
They poked the old nail and IT JUST SNAPPED OFF.
Well, there was the nail removal.
Once that was out of the way, it looked like things were trying to heal back.
So they just gave me an antibiotic and said to keep cleaning it and see where it goes.
So there’s that.
OH! I forgot about Thanksgiving.
So we had our family things over at the grandparents!
It’s the first time we’ve had a family reunion there in ages.
… like…. 30 years.
It was a big moment.
That took some time to prepare.
We did clean out their house ages ago.
But it needed some final touches.
The grandfather likes to collect glassware.
We organized it when we cleaned the house, but now it’s time to finally take that stuff out.
The aunt has a nice large basement where we’ll store them.
We need to catalog it all and get ready for the moment when we have to sell things.
Luckily, we are doing this while the grandfather is healthy enough to have some say into what’ll happen to some items.
He’s even given me a few pieces.
Anyways, the whole issue with them has been interesting.
I can’t remember if I mentioned it last time.
Here’s the TLDR…
The grandmother is to the point where she needs to be watched at all times.
She’s not loopy, she’s just acting weird.
And she’s getting old.
The grandfather has leukemia and has to be watched as well.
My aunt has moved back in with them and is taking care of things at all times.
My mom goes over there during the day as a backup.
It's been a family-wide effort also.
We’ve all been helping here and there.
Things were a bit rocky at first.
It’s a complete change in life and we had to adjust to the new routines and duties.
Especially my aunt.
She went from doing her own thing to having to taking care of her dying parent and watch the other one like a child.
It’s not the best situation.
Eventually, I’ll be in the same boat.
This is the cycle that we can’t escape.
Ok, I need to move on.
This is the end of my series involving long exposures and multiple exposures.
This series has been very fun.
It made me nostalgic.
It brought me back to when I was just making photos and having fun.
Trying new things.
Now here we are, 13 years later.
Back to where it all began.
I don’t know why I chose this photo to be the final photo.
I guess it was the one that intrigued me the most.
Is my soul being sucked out?
It’s haunting.
It’s fascinating.
For the editing, I didn’t do much.
Just balanced out the lighting.
It was a little bright in a few places.
Hover your mouse (the computer one) over the original picture to see the changes I did.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.
Wasn’t neat!?!?
I love it.
Now it’s time for the fun part!
This is why this post took so long to come out.
It was supposed to be done 2 weeks ago.
But this video messed things up.
It was 13 hours long.
I got it down to 5.
Then I made more photos from the project and it went back up to 13.
There were 6 hours of footage of me in the basement making these photos.
I would think I was finished, I got the right photo.
I always wait and rest on things before I get carried away.
I came back the next day and didn’t like the photos.
So I made some more…
I felt like I wasn’t getting it until the very end.
Out of 230 photos, I picked only 3.
Then I made the rain photo the next night and that one was easy.
I edited the photos after every shoot and that totaled in another 4 hours.
Long story short, there were a lot of videos to go through.
Eventually, I got it down to a reasonable 49 minutes.
Which is shorter than the last project.
A lot of the things that I cut out were things that I pushed to the next project.
The video is a bit random and aimless in the first half.
I didn’t know what the project was going to be about.
After a little bit, I figure things out.
Alright, that's all.
Now it’s time to tell you a secret.
There’s another reason why this video took so long.
I was in the process of doing something.
Something… big.
Something I’ve been waiting for for the past 3 years.
I’m not going to say much.
But I will leave you with this teaser.